Using PowerCLI to set IP and Update VMware Tools

This is a continuation of my last post, Using PowerCli to Build multiple VMs.

After automating the building of VMs, what’s the sense of having to manually add the IP information or updating the VMware tools? It’s pointless. So we need to add the IP information to the CSV file that was used to build the VMs.… Continue reading

Using PowerCLI to build multiple VMs

My first script that I ever wrote was a script to build VMs. I was the newest member on the team, and i was giving the task of building 50 VMs for a new project that was getting started. It was a very daunting task, due to the completion date to have these 50 VMs to be completed.… Continue reading

PowerCLI to find all VMs with thick provisioned VMDK

In my environment at work we have a policy that we thin provision all new VMs. We had an issue with a datastore that was running out of space, so I starting looking into it and found that several of the VMs on this datastore were set with thick provisioning on the hard drives.

This outputs a list of VMs with the storageformat that is set to thick. … Continue reading

PowerCli to get all VMs on certain Datastores?

From time to time, I get tasked with generating a report of production VMs with specs. This normally wouldn’t be an issue, but we have changed our server naming standard a few times, so we have machines with all sorts of names. The one thing in out environment that hasn’t changed is the datastore naming. We have our datastores split up between non-production and production, and each department has their own.… Continue reading

Get free space of all Datastores with PowerCLI

Before I spin up a new VM, I like to check which datastore has the most free space.  This can be completed with a PowerCLI command.

The problem with this, it it is too broad. This gets all of the datastores in vSphere, they are not in any sort of order, and it is also getting datastores that i wouldn’t normal use to put a VM on.  … Continue reading

How to setup a PowerShell profile and load the PowerCLI Snapin.

My PowerShell profile has been the most used script that I have wrote, and its not really a script.  The PowerShell profile runs every time that PowerShell ISE is opened. With this profile you can customize it to your needs.  It can load frequently used snap ins, functions or even custom properties.  When I help others with scripts, I forget that not everybody has a PowerShell profile setup and customized like myself.… Continue reading

How to stop non-responsive VM with PowerCLI

What do you do after trying to stop a VM that isn’t working. Either you and hope and pray that it will start reponding to vSphere commands, or you can Kill-VM.

I find this script on the internet and I have integrated into my host profile for PowerShell. Now it is a simple command to kill a non-responsive VM.… Continue reading

Add port group to all VMHosts with PowerCli

This is the script that I use when I need to add several new port groups to a single VMware cluster.  The script does check for the port group before it tries to add it to the VMhost encase it was already setup.

Below is the format for the NetworkInfo.csv. You can add as many port groups as you need in to this file and it gets feed into the script.… Continue reading

PowerCli to get list of unused RDMs on VM Cluster – Updated

After finishing the last post and starting to use it after limited testing I found that my script wasn’t filtering out the Datastores as expected.  This information was presented to me via our storage team.  So I have went back to the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE) to resolved my issues.

This is now how to properly get the unused RDM LUNs from your VM cluster.… Continue reading

PowerCli to get list of unused RDMs on VM Cluster

This page has been updated. Please visit for the updated script.

Since my last post was about RDMs, lets continue the discusion.  In my work environment we have been consolidating our VMware platform.
So we have been moving VMs with RDMs attached from one cluster to another.  So its been a messy process, and we haven’t had the time to
clean up behind ourselves. … Continue reading