PowerShell to Rename Datastores

At work we recently had a health check performed on our virtual environment. When the results came back, and I noticed a trend with our legacy VM hosts. Particularly where we didn’t follow the same standards as we did on the newer hosts. The issue I’ll be talking about, is renaming the local datastores. So now is the time to apply the same standards across the entire environment.… Continue reading

PowerShell and Plink to Update Avamar Proxy Timeout Settings

When colleagues in the office have a repeatable process that can and should be scripted, I’m the person they seek out. This particular time it was a storage admin looking to see what could be done with verifying a setting in a file on a Linux appliance and changing the setting if it is not set to the preferred value.… Continue reading

When Get-ContentLibraryItem Fails

In my work environment we have made strives to simply our VMware environment. One of them is using the content library for templates and ISO files. We do this so we make sure the everyone is using the most current golden image. Also with the content library you can sync them from primary site to secondary site without issues.… Continue reading

Automate Removal of VM Snapshots

Automate Removal of VM Snapshots

When I come up with an idea for a blog post, normally I don’t review what ideas I have already wrote about.  I should because I would have noticed another post about snapshots I wrote earlier this year.  This post is different as it has more cowbell, err automation.  Everybody loves automation right? … Continue reading

PowerCLI to list Template Info

We are starting to decommission the legacy VMware hosts in my work environment. Normally not a big deal or script for a task like this, but give me enough time I found a need. Templates. So you can easily find templates either using the H5 client or PowerCLI.

VM templates

This cmdlet displays a list of the template VMs that are in the environment, but it doesn’t say where they are located.… Continue reading

How to add a VM to Content Library using PowerCLI

This task sounds very simple.  Target the VM, then import to the primary content library for replication to the subordinate libraries.  This task can be accomplished right now with a few clicks in the GUI.  I’m not a GUI kind of person, I like the mash the keys to get stuff done.  So after a lot of research, I found that the PowerCLI commands to perform this function just don’t exist at this point.… Continue reading

Generating VM Tags with PowerCLI

Generating VM Tags with PowerCLI

With the our new infrastructure upgrade it also included an upgrade to our backup solution.  So we now have EMC Avamar for backups, and with this it means a chance to architect the backup solution the best possible way.  So during the initial stage, I worked closely with our storage team to get the method that they chose to work. … Continue reading

PowerCLI to Generate Nested VM Folder Structure

PowerCLI to Generate Nested VM Folder Structure

We are currently starting to plan for a disaster  recovery test, and the first part is configuring Site Recovery Manager (SRM).  We are still in the middle of the infrastructure replacement, so we are starting from scratch with everything.  So for SRM to work the best we need to have identical folder structures in both locations.… Continue reading

Cisco UCS PowerTools and PowerShell

Cisco UCS PowerTools and PowerShell

As I mentioned in a previous post, we are upgrading our infrastructure and we are using Dell EMC VxBlock.  So far this upgrade is going fairly smooth, but we are still at the very beginning of the process.  So once I found out that the VxBlock was configured to contain UCS hardware, I began looking to see what Cisco had to offer for PowerShell modules to help manage the new hardware that we are getting. … Continue reading

Change PS Prompt Based on vCenter Connection

The Prompt of a Different Color

In my work environment we are undertaking a major infrastructure upgrade.  We are doing a total refresh of all of the virtual environment, and with this we are also setting up a new vCenter.  With this it can get confusing with having multiple PowerShell ISE apps open and which vCenter I’m currently connected. … Continue reading